The High Notes Sip + Spin Sessions - Sat Jan 18-Sun Jan 19 - Paul E. Lopes


We can’t wait for this weekend’s Sip + Spin Sessions with DJ’s Paul E. Lopes, Choppa Chop, iBlendSound, and DJ Ariel. Plus, a special pop-up art show by Choppa Chop. You won’t want to miss this one. Come by the shop to show love and support!

Saturday January 18
iBlendSound @iblendsound
Reggae B sides, Disco, and Jazz

Back-to-Back with Paul E. Lopes @paulelopes and Choppa Chop @bigtoeshifi
Soul, Funk, Reggae and beyond

Paul E. Lopes began DJing in 1983 at block parties held in his Toronto neighbourhood. He hosted and produced his ground breaking college radio show Vibes N’ Stuff on CIUT 89.5FM in addition to spinning the legendary Bump N’ Hustle parties for two decades!

John Farrugia aka Choppa Chop has been DJ’ing for 30 years and runs his custom designed, hand built sound system and record label called Big Toes HiFi.

Sunday January 19
DJ Ariel @hautesauvage
Music that isn’t constrained by time

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